About This Blog

All About Rudolph Blog, is a true labour of love that features many years of vintage newspaper articles, pictures, quotes, researched informative posts, and much more.  This newsworthy information has been gathered in one space, to tell you the reader a different life story, from firsthand experience.  Think back to a time when both famous and non-famous persons were able to hear his voice on the wireless, seen him during a public affairs event, or the joy of experiencing seeing ALL his movies as they newly came out, had a personal experience with him, a loved one, work colleague, acquaintance, or family member with personal stories to share with his lifelong fans.

“In the beginning all the fuss and furor, especially the morning saddens me. But later, I realized they were snatching not at me but at their dreams.” Rudolph Valentino, Movie Premiere of The Eagle.

Blog Email: generalmailbox@allaboutrudy.org


13 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. Michael Morris

    Interesting material you have presented here on Natacha Rambova and I enjoy reading your blog.

    Michael Morris (her biographer)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michael Morris

      I loved that photo you had of her on a dig. That looks like an early expedition, possibly in the 1930s? Also, where did you get that lovely quote from her about her dream of having a library dedicated to religious symbolism? You are right, there are many things yet to be discovered about that fabulous lady and your attention to her was well crafted. I am soon to come out with another book, a compendium of Rambova material that I was not able to publish in my biography of her back in 1991.
      All best wishes,
      Michael Morris

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Emma P.

    Great, informative and detailed blog. Thanks a lot!


  3. Beautiful blog.


  4. Mike

    The vintage newspaper articles show different angles on Rudys life I never knew before.Informative I truly enjoy when new articles are posted. Keep up the good work…


  5. My mother and father knew George B. Wehner well. In fact, they met at a seance at Wehner’s house in February 1941. My father was living in Wehner’s house at the time, employed as the orchestrator of his upcoming Piano concerto, which was premiered in August of the same year. I found your summary of his life very helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Susanna

    LOVE reading all of the interesting articles and pictures you post here on Rudolph Valentino. There are very few sites out there for a fan to go. I am so glad this blog is here!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for your dedication and consistent posting to this blog. I just discovered Valentino as part of the family history project where I am learning what it meant to be an Italian immigrant and an Italian-American during the early 20th century. Rudy’s experiences were very typical of the fear and misunderstanding caused by the great wave of immigrants from Southern Italy beginning in the late 19th century. Thanks to the large collection of news articles you have curated, I now can see that even at the higher levels of society some of his peers and the press were just as prejudiced. You have created a valuable resource and I encourage you to continue your work.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. thank you for your interest in fiction “love for eternity” I’m glad you like it I appreciate your blog, there’s a lot of unpublished information I will post the continuation of the adventures of Rudy and Louise I hope you like them the adventure continues do not hesitate to comment Lady Letty

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for your work . I have learned things from your blog that have not been included in any of his biographies.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Beth Sackett

    I am very happy I found your blog. You have done quite a bit of research and I have learned a lot. There is so much mis information out there about Rudy and Natacha so this for we was very welcome. Thank you very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. insightanalytical

    Thank you for this blog! This past July (2020), out of the blue I suddenly felt a strong connection to Rudolph Valentino. Since then I have immersed myself in his story, the turn of the century, and the immigration experience. I have seen the patterns in his life that correspond to my own family’s history. I an beginning to write about this connection. As a researcher myself who find discrepancies in stories about his life in so many places, I appreciate the work you have compiled!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. stacyinlalaland

    Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing on this blog. The research on Valentino and the new and interesting articles make for excellent reading. Happy Anniversary.

    Liked by 1 person

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