Monthly Archives: Sep 2022

1926 – He who got slapped and why?



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20 Sep 1950 Nostalgia.PNG

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12 Sep 1930 – Valentino Speech

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12 Sep 1926 – Actor Bares Tragic Crash of Home Life

I have been reluctant to write on this subject, but so many interviews, purporting to come from me, have been printed that I think it maybe best to put myself on record over my own signature.  I shall have to disappoint the reader who expects something sensational. I did not beat Natacha Rambova my former wife.  She did not throw flat irons at me. Sorry but we did not do those things and no did I object to her having a career her own career. Nor did I demand that she bear children. I wanted her to have what she wanted, in so far as I could get it for her. In other words, I wanted her to be happy, and tried as any man would, to make her so.  There was never any issue about her staying at home and keeping my house.  No woman that anyone knows stays at home and keeps house anymore. Los Angeles wives have their own cars, as a rule, and go and come as they please.  Fortunately, I was able to free my former wife from housework and from all forms of drudgery.  If she wanted to keep house I would have “fired” the servants and let her “express” herself in that way.  If she wanted children, I would have engaged nurses and urged her to “express” herself in that way. She did not want to do these things and frankly I did not give them any thought. Dissatisfaction in marriage as in other family life is apt to be cumulative.  There is no sudden erratic or dramatic offense which determines one to “leave home” to be rid of the presence and influence of relatives and out of the environment at all cost.  There is often a steady decline in mutuality of interest, in sympathy, in esteem.  The child which leaves the home does so because of a long series of misunderstandings, or thwarted plans, which leads him to believe that he can best accomplish the thing he feels it in him to do if he is away from those who blindly or selfishly or arbitrarily “love” him.  He suffers a loss of material things the safeguards and comforts of home goes hungry, or maybe or is undernourished over a period of years to enjoy a mental and spiritual freedom which seems to more than compensate for the lack of what his family considers “the real things”.  So, it is apt to be with a young man who is too closely circumscribed by an ambitious girl. At first, she stimulates him to “bigger and better” things.  She is indeed generous and helpful. He is touched and flattered by her consecration to his aims, her devotion to his interests. Eagerly they plan his career.  He welcomes her counsel, and following it, finds it sound.  Sound, because in the first flush of life, while she is much enamored of him, she is thinking with her heart, rather than her head, and intuitively arrives at correct conclusions. She has “guidance’s” and powers of divination which calculating women can never exercise for the man she seeks to promote for gain and self-aggrandizement only.  They marry.  She gives up her career, if she has one, to better and more completely aid him in his.  Almost imperceptibly but slowly and surely her attitude changes. It gradually dawns on him that, while she has given up her career, she has not given up a career. She has started on a new one, which is to “manage” and make a success of him. Now, you will say, a man should be deeply grateful for that.  Yes, and no.  Wait a minute.  In the friendship and courting period’s, she considered him, weighed and advised him with relation to his profession or art he was trying to master, with relation to the public or patrons he was trying to serve, to please, to win, to hold. She was anxious for him to do the finest and best thing it was in him to do; and at the same time, please or conciliate those with whom he had to deal promoters and make those little concessions to pride and vanity and even pocketbook, which would make for lasting success in the long run.  She was disinterested, and able to see him at long range, and his true relation to others.  With marriage and the needles and pins routing of everyday living servants, household budgets, clothes, his friends, her friends, his family, her family and the like she inevitably began to consider him, and then, also, with relation to herself and her relation to him. Would they interfere, would they presume to give advice or make plans without first consulting her? In other words, would they usurp her position as friend, guide, and philosopher, would they jeopardize her place and power?  Then there enters the ever-present question of money much money. Keeping up an establishment, entertaining, and all that, seems so necessary; and if one does not make money, more and more money, one falls behind the procession and of course, once having got in the procession, there is nothing for it, it seems, but to stay in. There is the couple ahead, which would turn and stare, and the couple behind, which might titter, and the couples on either side who might exchange knowing looks, as if a pair fell out and walked along quietly by the side of the road.  Acquaintances must be appraised according to their places in the procession. People must be cultivated or discarded in direct proportion as they might help or hinder one in “getting on” socially, professionally, or financially. Those lovable and improvident soul’s writers, artists, musicians who follow their own rather than publics tastes must not be “picked up”.  They “aren’t” anybody, don’t know anyone of importance and are often a little “seedy” in appearance, and run down at the heel.  The most charitable in the procession regard them as a lot of harmless nuts. The others are careful not to regard them at all.  Were they alive, and living in Hollywood, Byron and Wilde would be very much in demand at smart affairs?  The Browning’s would be sought after by an exceedingly small clique.  Keats, Shelly and Burns would scarcely get a bid to dinner, no matter how badly they might need one, nor how much bright and beautiful conversation they might bring to a table.  Now, I am being a Latin, am not what you Americans call “practical” by later. No Latin is, or can be, practical 24 hours a day. We maybe as mercenary, or more mercenary, than you in the barter of our wares, or talents; but we spend ourselves and our money in different ways.  This is an experience which I believe I have in common with the American husband that after a few years of married life he finds only those of his friends of whom his wife approves, remaining; only those of his or her relatives of whom she approves, visiting; and all of her friends, whether or not they like him, or he them, invited to the house on each and every occasion.  Well that happens when a man discovers he is being “managed” in every department of life life, those in which he may need direction, as well as those in which for the sake of his own development, he should be allowed volition and selection?  The result is that all “management” becomes irksome to him.  He suddenly becomes as assertive as he has been “easy”.  He finds that he can hire a competent counselor and business advisor, and “live his own life” so to speak.  What does the wife do when her husband’s career is taken away from her? She can go back to her own career, or take up a new one, or wash her hands of careers, and be just a wife; for after all a business manager has not tender womanly breast a tired actor may lay his head of an evening.  If her love is greater than her pride, she will surrender gracefully, and make the adjustments which will enable them to start all over again on a new basis.  If her pride is paramount, she will probably slap him across the face with a bill of divorcement.  The world knows what happened in my case, and that is the answer.  I have no regrets, no remorse.  I enjoyed being married to Natacha and did my utmost to make her happy. Whatever she may say or think now, she too got a lot out of our life together both in material things and good times. She cannot tax me with the old “you have taken the best years of my life etc.”.  The best years of her life are yet before her.  She is as ambitious as ever she was, as high-spirited, as bright and keen.  She can still achieve anything within her logical range. I bear her no ill-will and wish her the best of success.  Neither am I broken-hearted. Nor am I out of a home.  I have a secretary, and I have a few dependable servants, so I am week taken care of.  This summer I brought with me from Europe my brother and his wife.  They supervise my household, and I may entertain whom I like, when I please; and have that “monarch of all I survey” feeling which is so nourishing to the male ego.  Perhaps this account of my second wreck on the reefs of matrimony will give the lie to the line which has been tacked onto me. That I am “a great lover” both on and off the screen.  I suppose it is intended for a compliment, but I do not relish it. I wish above everything to be known as a great artist and am working earnestly and steadily to that end. I hope eventually to be given a picture which will demand something more than a physical performance, and I want to be ready when the times comes. After all, a man gets tired of being talked about and written about as though he were a processional “handsome” man.  For this reason, I need to concentrate on my work and plan for my future as never before.  And what may happen is on the lap of God. However, I must admit that I am not insensible to the charms of the fair sex.

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9 Sep 1926 – Damia Lyric Tragedienne, Arrives

Damia, the French lyric tragedienne, arrived last night on the French liner Paris to fill an engagement under the Shubert management for a few weeks in New York. A special orchestra was brought over on the Paris to accompany her. She said last night on the Paris that she hoped that she could learn English quickly “because people like a song much better when it is rendered in their native tongue.”  Eventually, she became a trusted friend of Rudolph Valentino’s they bonded due to both speaking French.

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8 Sep 1926 – The Late Rudolph Valentino Died Heavily in Debt

Surprise has been caused by the announcement that when Rudolph Valentino, the film star, died, it was found that no only did he have no money but that he owed Joseph Schenk $50,000. His earnings last year amounted to $250,000. His next of kin, his sister and brother in Italy, however, will receive a large amount from royalties in films now running or ready for release. Valentino owed a remarkable collection of antique armor, weapons, and furniture, which he kept at his home at Falcon Lair. Pola Negri recently said that they would have occupied this home as a married couple next year. New York friends of the dead star assert that he was not engaged to Pola Negri, though he thought a good deal of her
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2 Sep 1922 – Idol of Fans

In an exclusive interview with a representative with the NY Times yesterday Valentino announced he will not return to Hollywood pending the outcome of his litigation with Famous Players-Laskey. Papers in the action will be filed early next week and yesterday the company retained Guggenheim, Untermyer and Marshall in an attempt to force Valentino to continue the program outlined in his long-term contract. All day yesterday, the idol of thousands of film enthusiasts sat in a rear room of the office of his counsel, Arthur Butler Graham, at 23 West, 43rd Street in preparation of Valentino. It is understood that Sim Untermyer will be arraigned by Graham in the courts. To prevent Valentino with another production Guggenheim, Untermyer appealed to Hays, High Chief of the affidavit stating the actor’s case will be forwarded today by Valentino’s counsel.  Although the fact is generally known Valentino far less compensation the players of equal import pictures. His salary is to be $1200 a week. Valentino contends Paramount netted more than $1,000.00 in “The Sheik” his first star vehicle, and that “Blood and Sand” his current picture will nearly double that amount he says, is not commensurate with these profits and furthermore, he insists Famous Players-Lasky abrogated its part of the contract by failure to provide the publicity agreed upon. After Valentinos marked success in “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” Metros dramatization of the Ibanez novel he was called to NY by Famous Players-Lasky and offered a contract at a sum that to the theater gods and goddesses is nominal. He refused at first, but when the company agreed to augment the salary with extra publicity he signed for a period of several years. Sleek of hair as always and with a ring of beaten silver on earth has his little fingers Valentino smoked innumerable cigarettes as he discussed his case yesterday for the first time since his arrival in NY.  For days, he has been incognito refusing interviews and remaining in complete obscurity.  “I will not return to Hollywood at the present time: he said. The reports that I will desert America and return to Italy are ridiculous. I have made great success in America and shall remain here. “If I return to Italy it will be only for the purpose of visiting my parents whom I have not seen in 10 years. I have no plans for contracts with other companies. I do not intend to make any until this matter has been settled satisfactorily. I would like to have it understood that I will stand by any contract I make, as long as the other party does likewise. He refused to discuss his private affairs and ignored mention of the name of “Miss Hudnut”, whom he married to in Mexico before the interlocutory degree from Jean Acker had become final. But from another and no less authoritative source the Times learned the Valentinos will not live under the same roof until Jean Acker has passed legally of Rudolph’s life forever. Along Broadway in the motion picture offices, Valentino is known as the “gold mine of the screen” according to his counsel. When his case is called Graham expects to introduce as witnesses the editors of film magazines, who will testify that 70 to 80% of the “fan letters” about screen players received by these publications concern Valentino. Since her marriage to Valentino and return to New York, Miss Hudnut has evaded reporters. She remained for several months at the Hudnut summer camp Foxlear, at North Creek, NY and at one time was said to have booked passage to Europe which for some unexplained reason was cancelled. No she has moved into the Biltmore Suite of her foster parents. She will not return this season to the employ of Nazimova, whose art director she was. Although the Valentinos are living apart, there has been no break in their happy relations. It was admitted yesterday they have been together frequently and will continue to see one another at intervals until the California law permits them to take up their life together.

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