Monthly Archives: Sep 2021


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1924 – Letter to Editor

Dear Editor,

Isn’t there something you can personally do to rid us of the Valentino imitators? They are becoming awful here to say the least. In the first place the very fact they are willing to be groomed to take his place proves them incompetent; if they have any ingenuity at all they would create a vogue of their own and not try to shine by his reflected glory. they remind us of what Fabre refers to in his “bugology” as procressaries because of their habit of following one another. No single one of his imitatiors has sufficient initiative to branch out and create a demand for himself.  To begin with, few are so capable as Rudolph Valentino and from general observation and consensus I should say that he can handle more work turn out better work and earn larger dividends on the capital invested then any other star in his profession. Therefore, it would seem that he is worth conceding a few favors to. Don’t lets lose the greatest artist we have on the screen today just because of a broken contract with Lasky Studios. Some laws are stupid and mean’t to be broken. Why not break this one for the good of the public or at least for the amusement of the public? Famous Players-Lasky corporation is incapable of treating him fairly, why don’t they release him and let some other movie film company sign him up? Anything so that we may have our brilliant and lovable Julio and our handsome and gallant Gallardo back again. Hoping you will interest yourself in our behalf.

Very Truly,

August Temple, Bay City, MI

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29 Sep 2021 – Silent Movie Day Blogathon

On 29 Sep 2021, has been named as National Silent Movie Day and for those who truly love this genre of film will be a treat. I will be participating in the blogathon so stay tuned. There are allot of exciting events that will allow us all to enjoy so when you get a chance go to this website: National Silent Movie Day


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19 Sep 1921 – Such is Fame!

June Mathis used to think that her name was known to everybody in these United States of America as a scenario writer. But she’s changed her mind. The other day a circular letter came to her house stating that a fine course in scenario writing was being offered by the extension division of the University of California, Los Angeles.  

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15 Sep 1924 – NY Gossip


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5 Sep 1937 – 11th Anniversary of the Death of Rudolph Valentino

Last week’s pilgrimage by 1000 devoted fans to the crypt of the late Rudolph Valentino, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of this death, will indicate how firmly intrenched a great actor can become in the hearts of his admirers. He is still fondly remembered by thousands, not merely residents of Hollywood but by great numbers in far-flung parts of the world. Each year, when the day of the star’s death comes, hundreds visit his resting place in a lovely corner of the Cathedral mausoleum at Hollywood Cemetery. This year’s group of worshippers was the largest. Fans remembered that Valentino’s favorite flower was the red rose, and the offerings which banked his crypt on his death anniversary were predominantly of this bloom. Worshipers who never forget, year after year, include his first wife Jean Acker; his brother, Alberto Valentino, Mrs. Emma Leutgeb and Mrs. Fanny Lichtenfeld. Mrs. Leutgeb living in Salzburg, Austria and Mrs. Lichtenfeld living in Richmond, Virginia annual send the cemetery money for bouquets of red roses. Faithful memorial groups which also sent flowers were the British Valentino Memorial Guild and the Chicago Valentino Memorial Club.

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1913-1916 – Surviving in NY by Rudolph Valentino

In 1913, life as an Italian immigrant living in New York City was very hard. Upon my arrival from Italy, I was overwhelmed by everyone else who was arriving from other countries who had the same dream as me. I did not know the language and relied on the Italian Community to help with obtaining a job, food, and housing. While I can honestly claim I was not good with money then and now. There is a certain humbleness when you relive memories of how life began here. Oftentimes I was hungry and spent many lonely nights without a roof over my head, shame and remorse-these comprised the cross of my humiliation. My false pride was grounded mercilessly to bits then utterly pulverized. I was kicked out of one lodging after another changing rooms four or five times over two months. Sometimes my clothing in lieu of payment. Sometimes I pawned my things in order to have a hot meal or a bath. One hot day I walked five miles to city hall looking for work and turn down then walked five miles back to my room.

My last room was a cubby hole cost me two dollars a week. I went to the Mills Hotel and got a room for 12 cents for one night only. The food was plain and plentiful. This hotel was built in 1907, and most guests were like me doing what they could to survive like countless others.  The next night I slept in Central Park. I looked for work every day. Usually I did not get it, sometimes I made 50 cents by shining the brass on cars, or by doing anything that anyone would allow me to do. I was above no work.

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10 Apr 30 Police Tips for Valentino Funeral.JPG

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Sep 1928 – When is a Story Stolen?

All right sue me! is the catchword with which members of the scenario department at Lasky Studios greet each other nowadays! Plagarism suits have become such an expense item on move budget books that many companies send back all orginial manuscripts unopened. After a picture is released the producers are flooded with letters typewritten on business stationery, scrawled with a pencil on cheap lined paper penned in violet ink and scented with Night of Love perfume, but one and all declaring “you’ve stolen my movie plot”.  Each case that is taken to court costs the studio about fifteen hundrend dollars in lawyers fees and wastes several weeks of valuable time, though complaining authors seldom win their cases. the damages asked vary.  A shoe clerk who sent in a story about young love and has afterward seen a picture of young love on the screen may deman five thousand dollars but he is usually willing to settle for a couple of hundred out of court.  Scenario editor Edward Montaigne has handled tons of scripts submitted by amateur writers, each of who claims to have a new idea.  He is a married man, everyone who meets him wants to tell a plot.  Sometimes he admits astonishing ideas are presented to him. For example, there is a spiritualist who is in constant communication with Rudolph Valentino. In the spirit world she writes Rudie has met Edith Cavell, who insists that he must make one more picture on earth. For a consideration, she will sell Valentino’s services to Universal Studio to write and direct a movie.

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31 Aug 1924 – Valentino Return to Screen Romance

Fascinating Film Lover — New Picture Has Three Distinct Love Sequences. When it was finally decided that Rodolph Valentino was to return to Paramount after a lone and universally regretted absence from the motion picture screen, it was with the utmost care that the executives of the company set themselves to the task of choosing a vehicle which would be in keeping with the importance of the event. Recalling the great Valentino successes, it seemed desirable that the picture should com bine, if possible, the love interest of The Sheik, the romantic coloring of Blood and Sand, and the spectacle of The Four Horseman. So Monsieur Beaucaire, Booth Tarkington’s story, with its romantic, colorful, and spectacular back ground of the Court of King Louis XV. of France, was chosen. Monsieur. Beaucaire is unquestionably one of the greatest romances ever written. Most of the action takes place at the Court of King Louis XV. of France, and in Bath, England, the
favorite resort of the English nobility at that time. The characters portrayed are almost all real ones, who had a hand in the making of history, such as Mms. Pompadour, the Due de Richelieu, Lord Chesterfield, Beau Nash and others. Briefly told, the story Is of the young and attractive Due de Chartres, Who, refusing to marry al most on sight the charming Princess de Bourbon-Conti, at the Royal command, incurs the disfavor of the King and Mme. Pompadour, the power behind the throne, and is forced to flee from the country. Reaching England he masquerades as a barber under the name of Monsieur Beaucaire, Falling in with an English nobleman of French descent, who knows neither who Beaucaire is, nor why he is in England,he gains access to the English Court, and meets and captivates the fascinating Lady Mary Carlisle, only to have her turn against him when she finds he is an impostor. A message from the French King, bidding him to return to France arid, be
forgiven, takes him back to the Princess whom he really loves. Thus Valentino is provided with an opportunity for three separate and distinct love sequences, and in them Rodolph is said to prove that he has not lost any of the ability to make love which has made him one of the most fascinating and compelling screen stars of to-day. ‘High powered’ is the term applied to these love scenes by the studio officials during the making of the picture.
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