23 Aug 2022 – 95 Years of Remembering Rudolph Valentino

What a day to remember a wonderful silent film actor we still recall with love and reverence Rudolph Valentino. I virtually attended the Annual Memorial Service, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, L.A. a time of watching with awe and respect of those that came together to watch and listen to the speakers who had a personal connection to Valentino, musicians, watch moving tributes and soak up an atmosphere of love. Time goes by quickly and it was time to see friends and familiar faces until next year.  I wanted to continue with remembering and watched a 1975 fictional movie titled “The Legend of Valentino” on Amazon Prime. This was an excellent tribute centered around June Mathis who was responsible for Rudy’s career. While the viewer must use their imagination watching it does provide something different and I recommend it you have some time check it out and hope you enjoy.  I finished my evening, of thinking about how many years later, many fans still find time to remember a wonderful actor. It’s been my honor to have met some absolutely wonderful and kind people who are genuine in their admiration. Years will go and life will evolve with fans coming and going. But never forget that Valentino was someone who wanted what we all do a world of kindness with respect for others.

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